Monday, January 26, 2009

Keeping My Resolutions: Organizing 15 Minutes a Day

I've got to get organized! I've got to get organized!

Does this sound familiar? Most of us have this mantra running through our brains when the New Year arrives. But for me it's everyday, regardless of the time of year. I'm still working on completing my office/school/craft room.

I started on it when we moved in July 2006.

I do find, however, I get energized about organizing again while I'm making all my other resolutions. It's like the year is a clean slate. I can wipe away all I didn't accomplish previously and begin anew.

But I don't need to wait for a new year. I've discovered I have a blank palette each new day.

Whether it's one 15-minute organizing session or several throughout the day, I feel great about sprucing my space in such a short amount of time. It's easier for me to feel good about my home and myself when I break tasks down into manageable steps. If I've accomplished at least one task on my list, then I give myself permission to let the rest go. Understand, this is not anywhere near easy to do.

Hello, my name is Melanie and I'm a recovering procrastinating perfectionist.

I have ADHD and am OCD. I self-medicate with Starbucks and Dr. Pepper while pouring over awesome blogs like SimpleMom and Nesting Place. When my husband attempts to help, I sound like Rainman, mumbling and shouting. What'd you do with my stuff? Where's my stuff? I TOLD YOU NOT TO TOUCH MY STUFF!!

He rarely does this anymore.

I don't think 15 minutes is a magical number. You can do it for 5 or 30 minutes. What's important is giving yourself a time limit and praising yourself when you're done. Be careful not to look at every other cluttered space and beat yourself up. Nester has great advice on this here.

She has numerous examples of how she tried something that didn't work and moved on to the next idea. (I think all her ideas are great and want to be her when I grow up.) But she's right--just like her blog states--"it doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful" and there's no wrong way to get it done.

Your home is a reflection of you so make it what you want it to be. If it doesn't work for you, try again; it's your space. Own it. Make a plan of attack and stick to it. Your home will look great and clutter-free in no time.

Now, if only I could figure out how to keep the family from using it.

How about you? Do you have any tips on getting organized?


Vicki said...

My remedy for a similar struggle: set the timer for your goal and get a treat at the end!

Deb Evans said...

Ha ha! I love this! I self-medicate with Starbucks and Classic Coca-Cola in the red can.