I love Spring! It's my most favorite season. Everything is turning green. Flowers burst from the ground. The birds seems to sing a happier tune. New life can be seen and heard everywhere. My kids and I especially like to see the calves in the field with their mothers. So cute!
While I enjoy all that God's creation has to show, I also realize how long it's been since I last dusted my blinds or cleaned out my fridge. Probably before our Christmas party?! [Shiver...that can be scary] With so much on my plate it seems I don't actually clean my blinds until we have people over. And the fridge? Let me check for any unauthorized experiments and I'll get back to you.
I only think about cleaning my blinds when I open and close them. Aren't we all that way? Please tell me someone else out there groans at the layer on theirs too.
First thing in the morning will not work because I cannot function without my coffee. No cleaning will be happening until then. (Unless the puppy happens to leave me a present, then I have to bleach the floor. This makes for a grumpy wife and mother sometimes.) And who wants to dust at the end of the day?! In the evening I'm ready to settle down and watch a show with my husband. I tell myself I'll do it tomorrow, but I know this is not true. It's really not a priority for me compared to the other more "urgent" needs of husband, children/schooling, pets, business, etc.
There are other spots in my house that need tending to as well that get put off just like the blinds. Realizing there is so much undone has me thinking I need to get superorganized. I'm talking about labeling everything (okay, maybe not the kids or pets), providing a household notebook with specific instructions for each task, keeping a calendar on the fridge and defining spaces for all our stuff.
This will either increase my OCD tendencies and I will freak out when all goes awry or it will bring me freedom as my family takes more ownership and doesn't have to ask me where things are located. I'm rooting for the latter because otherwise I end up crying while cleaning puppy accidents for the 1000th time and chanting "I'm cleaning the pee for Jesus. I'm cleaning the pee for Jesus."
(For those of you scratching your heads over that one: it's from Colossians 3:23--do everything as if you are working for the Lord. It helps me get through a lot when I would otherwise rant at my family.)
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